Self Improvement And Empowerment

Sunday 2 December 2012

3 Surefire Ways To Get Instant Self Confidence

Have you ever had someone say, "just be confident!" What the hell does that mean? Do I go to Walmart and buy it? If you're reading this article, you're probably like me, and you've read the books, listened to the audios, and gone to the seminars. When you've done all that as long as I have, you learn a thing or two. If you want 3 surefire ways to get self confidence, read on all the way to the end of this article so you'll have the tools needed to automatically equip yourself.

1.) Practice getting out of your comfort zone daily.

We as humans are so stuck in our ways and we condemn people who are outside of the realm of what we feel should be normal. You are in a tough spot right now... I know... I've been there. Being stuck in a rut is no joke. What we don't realize about the rut is that it is a rut of our own making, through the routines and habit we've perpetuated on a daily basis. One way to get an instant rush of confidence is to make it a practice to do something different everyday. Drive down a different street on your way home, try a new restaurant, say hello to the next five people you walk by, take a class, get an expensive outfit if you don't do that often. Take small steps and do different little things so you can practice staying at the edge of your comfort zone. Do this consistently for ninety days and I guarantee you will feel a change in you spirit.

2.) Anything worth doing is worth doing bad at first.

Many of us won't try anything new, because we are scared to make a mistake, not realizing that the only way to gain confidence in anything is to do it over and over again. It is through experience that we learn best.

Three key ingredients help us to learn at maximum capacity:

Education, repetition and application.

We must learn from those who have the skill we want, go through the lessons over and over again because repetition is the mother of skill, and we must take action on what we learn, knowing that its going to be a bit clumsy at first, but as we continue to take action over and over again, we become acclaimated to the process and things get better. You must persist like most baby's do when they are learning to walk. What kind of parent would I be if I told my 3 year old, stop trying to walk, you'll only get hurt! My son had to get hurt a little while learning to walk until he had enough experience and acclamation to do it perfectly.

3.) Listen to positive messages everyday.

Listening to CD's, reading self help books, and watching videos for at least an hour everyday is most important on my agenda. Listening to positive messages everyday will interrupt the story that you tell yourself on a daily basis. When I am feeling down, I pop in a Zig Ziglar CD, watch a Les Brown video, or listen to Jim Rohn talk about how to change my philosophy - the way I think. Brian Tracy says to repeat to myself daily "I love myself!" I am a witness, the more you say it, the more confidence builds!

There you have it. I have given you 3 instant surefire ways to get self confidence. To find out how to get self confidence in even more ways, click here to visit my website: Providing useful self development, self empowerment and self esteem tips and reviews online.

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