Self Improvement And Empowerment

Tuesday 1 January 2013

Even You Need to be Mothered

Is it possible to Mother yourself when Mom's not available or nearby? I say yes. I think the best thing your mother can do for you is to teach you how to mother and nurture yourself. But let's face it - it's a skill, a talent and a gift. Doing this kind of self care requires commitment like that of a mother. But as an adult it is the #1 thing you need to become adept at.

This Mother's Day while showering or being showered by attention think of how you can become more self reliant in the self nurturing arena.

Secrets to Get YOU Started on Your Nurturing Journey:

Secret #1 -Reflect: Do you have time to reflect and think things through or are you always harried, frazzled and stressed? Well if you spend most of your days in this anxiety prone state you will not be on the road to long term health.

Learning to slow down and say no to all the distractions which take you away from your true self - your true core - will re-generate and honor your beautiful nature and soul.

Sounds like foreign territory? You must learn to nurture yourself by creating time without pressure (one of my new mottos) and taking the time to give to yourself - even just a little.

Secret #2 - Journal: I love to write I find it a source of grounding, clarity and a place where my imagination can run free. I get to work things out on paper. It's a safe and uncrowded place for me to explore and be as honest as I possibly can with myself. I know you may not find this easy to do and may in fact run from the mere mention of sitting down to write out your deep and most private thoughts. You scream out "I have no time, someone might read it, and I'm not much of a writer." Start with small steps. Remember this is a place to get to know yourself better. To get you started you may want to pick up the classic "The Artist's Way" by Julia Cameron.

Secret #3 Allow Others to do for YOU: Alert, alert! You can not do it all by yourself! I mean you can but at what price? Do you want to constantly feel rundown while feeling virtuous about accomplishing a feat you had set out to do single handedly? Wouldn't you like to have a team helping you out all the way to the finish line? Did you know collaboration comes very naturally to women and is so much more rewarding. Women actually crave it. Better satisfy this craving that your sweet tooth. Your "team or helpers" will also feel special contributing. They will feel a part of something and have a real sense of belonging. Let them! Let go of any martyr or a saint tendencies. Come to terms with the fact that you are a mere mortal with needs and an ability to ask for help (always!).

Secret #4 Make yourself Important: But don't take yourself too seriously. Don't dismiss any thoughts or ideas you have. Value them all - they are a part of you. The worst thing you can do is attack, criticize or demean yourself in any way. You want to be supportive of yourself at all times just like a nurturing mother would be.

Secret #5 Take a Bath: Nothing like a warm, sudsy, comforting, candle-lit bath at the end of a day that says "I love me"! No I don't mean in a narcissistic way but in a loving, mothering, and accepting way.

The warmth of this simple yet soothing activity will go a long way. You will feel calmer, more relaxed and you will sleep better, too. Your calming brain chemicals, specifically Serotonin and Gaba, will be activated ensuring a deep and restful sleep.

Monika Klein, BS, CN. is an award winning clinical nutritionist and weight loss expert. Monika is the "Compassionate and Practical Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach." Her company, Coaching For Health, offers life transforming weight loss and wellness programs, classes and products throughout the world. To learn more about Monika's services and programs, visit Providing useful self development, self empowerment and self esteem tips and reviews online.

Monday 31 December 2012

God Is Not a Fact But Fiction

An enlightening package is being put together for the serious readers, who stand by poised for a solid meal of sharp, sound illustrative that just slices through religious hypocrisy. There are millions of people walking around in nebulous religious confusion, just as I was for about fifty years. Yes, I am very fortunate to have had the opportunity to realize something was indeed wrong in the world, and clearly the object of the problem is unsuspectingly the holiest entity on planet earth; the Church.

At this stage in human history, many are flourishing in economic effluence, science and other esoteric fields. However religion is ravaging the lives of humanity around the world. It is very ironical in nature, because it was only since the Romans designed the after Christ calendar system, consisting of secularism and spirituality; that the notion of a spirit-God creating the cosmos, including mankind, became global acceptance. Astonishingly, the B.C history that the ancient people have passed unto our generation has nothing in it which supports a spirit in charge of the world and humanity, in any manner.

So fortunately, people were created as servants for the alien gods, that is what history says. They have left us here on our own to do as we please. Religion was invented along the way over long yawn of time. And then the Romansbrought in the after Christ religious calendar, with a fictional draft of the Genesis creation tale. They have since saturated generations of people with the falsehood, causing them to be raised up into the vacuous notion that a God wants to save them.

So if anything of the heavenly story about Jesus's birth is fact; why then God did not lead the wise men directly to where baby Jesus was, but instead to the palace of Herod, an adversary who wanted to kill the baby Jesus... why? That can not be the behavior of a knowledgeable and just God. There is serious conflicts in the Biblical narrative, becave it shows that Rome knew Jesus was a political threat to its illegal occupation of Israel. And they knew the Jews had expected a seed of King David, to arise and expel all invaders from their country. That was the reason why King Herod feigned, that he wanted to worship the baby. When the wise men did not return to Herod as they were instructed, he felt mocked. And at that time the situation resulted in the slaughter of all children under two years old. How then is the Bible telling us of God's great plan of wise men going forth to adore a Messiah who would save mankind from sin, and the guiding star adrift from its destination? When did the Roman regime change from being the killer of Jewish people, and destroyer of their temples, and for what reason they wanted to kill Jesus as an infant? These are serious questions to be answered.

One is encouraged to read keen and purposefully, just to be sure you find true reality, not accepting notions based on the wrong application of words. In church "believe" and "faith" is permanently applied incorrectly to manipulate the ninds of unsuspecting ones. People must use their common sense all of the time, and let knowledge creates the right realization. According to primordial history, no heaven is prepared for us in the skies. This work is about making accurate distinction in issues, and to prick cognition, so that no one gets bamboozled.

Timothy Aldred - Bamboozled besieged by lies man never a sinner, The dark side of publishing, Sexuality creation of a blemished society. Providing useful self development, self empowerment and self esteem tips and reviews online.

Sunday 30 December 2012

Re-Create Who You Are

Re-create who you once were and say goodbye to what once was. If you live with uncertainty or have had troubles in your past, change those events. You have to re-create those events and turn them into lessons. Turn those lessons into positives events that will mold you into the person you want to become.

Take that lesson; be it trust, relationships, guilt, or whatever it is, and learn from it. Don't carry the situation with you because it will manifest itself in others and you will relive the same lessons.

If you were born into a healthy environment, you learn love, trust, and stability, among other things. When you are not born into that type of environment, you have to focus on the kind of life you want to have and you have to constantly reinforce in yourself that you are worthy of having it. You have to re-create yourself and the events in your life so that you can start paving the way to a better life.

Regardless if you are starting over after a divorce, or starting over after the loss of a loved one, or starting over for a better life, you can do it. Each and every step you take is an important one. Envision the life that you want for yourself. Start writing your game plan on how you plan on achieving it. Tell yourself daily that you are worth having it. Take those necessary steps to achieve it.

I don't want things to be like this anymore, I have had enough! Those are heavy words that scream of a desire for change. Now plan for those changes that you want to happen. Start by eliminating the things that you don't want in your life anymore. Say goodbye to the places, people and things that are not getting you where you want to be. Always keep a positive attitude wherever you go and in whatever you do.

Life is a journey. If it doesn't move you into a positive place, make that change. You have to be willing to walk away from the things that are not moving you into the direction you want to go and welcome the changes that bring you to a better place. Surround yourself with positive people going in the same direction you are. Only you can do it, no one else can. You have it within you to make those changes.

My website,, offers hope and encouragement to others. We are here to help each other and learn from each other.

I wrote four books "Walk in Peace" & "My Soulful Journey" and "The Wishing Well" and "The Green Rabbit" which can be purchased on my website, and

I also have a Blog Talk Radio show. I have interviewed people regarding all subject matter. Feel free to listen to the archives at Providing useful self development, self empowerment and self esteem tips and reviews online.

Saturday 29 December 2012

Being With the One You Love Regardless of Your Age

How many times did you like a hot girl so much that you felt like going crazy if you don't have her - and eventually never ended up having her? Well, I guess the answer is clear here my friend and I do know how that feels. The fact is that if you cannot get a woman who is clearly out of your league, then it must be something very wrong in your approach. What is that? Do you have any idea about it? Well, that's a question for you to answer, as for me, I will personally teach you a few things on how to get a hot girlfriend and be happy with her.

Be yourself

First of all, you should always try and be yourself, even if it sounds hard or impossible. Girls don't like fake guys and in general, being fake is something that girls can sniff a mile away. Think about it: Would you date someone who is fake and doesn't even have the gut of being herself? I don't think so!

Don't hurry up and be sensitive

We guys always like to speed up things and get over with the cheesy moments, but even if you don't like them that much, they are necessary. I'm not saying you should get a band and sing her a song when she gets out of the mall, but do try and be sensitive. And by that I also mean that you cannot afford to make any lame sex jokes with her. If you make these jokes, you will just lure her away from you and end up lonely.

Communication is vital

Make sure you talk to her, but don't try to ask lame questions that bore her. Try and be original, show her that you are really interested into her, but don't overdo it so she may think you're obsessed with her or something. Be reasonable, sound interesting and do it all within the limits of your personality and honesty. Speak only as much as you think you can handle. It's really bad to get caught up in a lie later on. Your voice needs to make her feel safe when sharing certain things to you and that's why you should always reassure this way.

Dress nicely

The way you dress is also very important, because girls do really care about how their boyfriend looks. You don't want to look under dressed for instance when you go out with her, while she's wearing some really nice clothes. Some girls won't say this matters to them, but it does, believe me.

Smile and make her laugh

is one of the most important things for them when looking for a guy. Practically, every girl out there loves to have a guy to make her laugh when she's sad and keep her hopes high when she cannot manage on her own.

Compliment her whenever you can

Last but not least, be bold sometimes and always compliment her when you should. Women loves to be appreciated and have their efforts matter for someone and that is why you should consider this advice very much.

In the end, by combining all of these tips together, you can easily date any girl you like. And believe me, when you'll realize you can pull this off like a pro, you'll become even more confident in your chances of dating beautiful and smoking hot girls!

By the way, do you want the formula for approaching any woman, anywhere and know exactly what to say to get her number? If so, download my 22 pages report here: conversation blueprint report

Or do you want to learn how I use text to attract and seduce beautiful women - and how you can too? If so, watch this video here: text game secrets. Providing useful self development, self empowerment and self esteem tips and reviews online.

London UK Counsellor And Life Coach