There's a fascinating relationship among Twitter, your brain and the world. Billions of tweets, texts, posts, emails, and phone calls have one thing in common: they're neural signals in the global brain. We've already seen how quickly and profoundly social networks have altered the global brain. Each tiny tweet, at a larger level, is shaping the next global identity, a "we" that everyone can have a powerful voice in.
Over the past two years, social media has played a major role in ousting the rulers of Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Yemen. Facebooking and tweeting has been instrumental in the civil uprisings we've witnessed in Syria and Bahrain, along with protests in Jordan, Algeria, Morocco, Sudan, Lebanon, Oman, Saudi Arabia and a half dozen other countries.
The direction of our whole planet is being shaped in countless ways by our global community of thinkers and talkers. Folks simply telling their friends what's on their minds. Sharing their joys and sorrows, but also saying I don't like the way this going, and If this were to change in this way, things would be better for me and my family.
In the past, the print and TV news provided our only connection to the struggles of the oppressed yearning to breathe free. Now, anyone in Morocco can instantly send and receive messages to and from the global brain. We have an immediate, direct connection to their personal heartaches and hopes. No reporter needed.
The aspect of this global metamorphosis that I find most exciting is that average folks like you and me can affect the global brain simply by engaging in our normal behavior: having conversations. We no longer have to rely on organized political parties or religious leaders to create the social change we long for.
We've discovered DIY social change via the global brain. A brain so powerful, it's toppling traditional barriers like religion, nationalism, and politics.
As this stream of messages on social media continues, it's reshaping each individual brain, too. Regardless of how little or how much each of us paid attention to the recent Arab spring, we've all benefited from the surge of powerful, positive energy emanating from that part of the world.
That's the thing about positive energy. It expands. It builds power. It's unstoppable. What started in Tunisia is spreading rapidly. A rising tide lifts all boats. And as one of the most creative and optimistic societies on the planet, America's tapping into that positive energy, big time.
This powerful new wave of energy is palpable to some, but for most of us, it's subtle. We commonly hear it characterized in the Western media in capitalist jargon: increased consumer confidence, lower unemployment and a strengthening economy. But the meaning is the same. Our unemployment rate is about a third less than Europe's 12%.
When people feel more powerful, they become more optimistic. More willing to take chances. To open or expand a business. To find more meaningful work. To move. To buy a home. In short, to follow their passion, wherever it leads them.
As they're following their passion, they're sharing their journey. The highs and lows. The relief and satisfaction they feel when they land that better job. The frustration they feel about holes in public policy that delay their move. For example, some won't leave an unfulfilling job simply because of the affordable health insurance provided by their employer. So they'll tweet about the health policies that would make their lives better.
Their journey is also shaping the global brain. We've grown weary of the years spent in lock down, scared of terrorism and financial upheaval. Fear as a primary motivator goes against human nature.
Throughout our history, we've proven that we thrive best when we feel free to be creative. To connect with each other based on offering our best. And working together to make our communities, our country and the world a better place for all of us.
It's never been easier to change the world. I think we're going to continue to see government, corporate and social policy swayed by loose networks of unaffiliated individuals just doing what comes naturally to them: chatting with friends. And clicking "share".
Judy Widener is a Certified Life Coach and author of Power For A Lifetime: Tools You Customize to Build Your Personal Power Every Day Of Your Life. You can sign up for Discovering Your Values, a 5-day e-course at no cost at Her passion is assisting her clients to discover what is most important to them, then to create more balance and satisfaction in their lives.
She offers a comprehensive program that teaches clients simple ways to build their personal power and overcome obstacles to achieving their dreams. Judy has coached more than 600 people over the past 13 years. Her website is Providing useful self development, self empowerment and self esteem tips and reviews online.